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In the Sneaker Peeker online shop, we have prepared for you a wide variety of products to choose from, including the most popular brands in the world. That is why just had to include Levi's sports shoes and other models of this well-known footwear brand that you can order from us at a competitively low price. We will ship your order directly to the address of your choice as quickly as it is possible to do so. With Sneaker Peeker you have a 30-day period to return Levi's shoes of inappropriate size and to replace them with a new pair that would fit perfectly your feet. We encourage you to place an order and, in case of any questions or concerns, to contact our team that is always at your disposal!

From cult classic jeans to sports shoes - the story of the Levi's brand

It is well known that these are not sneakers that brought worldwide popularity to the German brand. Levi's owes its reputation to the cult classic jeans that have become synonymous with quality, fashion and wearing comfort. But let’s start from the beginning – the history of the brand begins in the 19th century when Löb Strauß moved to New York where he found inspiration for his later designs of Levi's sports shoes. This Jewish founder of the company initially helped his family business, specializing in the door-to-door sale of textiles, to prosper. It was not until several years later that he decided to set up his own company called Levi Strauss & Co.

Before Löb Strauß became popular and introduced Levi's shoes, he had been involved in selling fabrics and clothing. It was then that he came up with the idea to design by himself his very first pair of jeans. For this purpose, he used a thick cloth, which was originally intended for tents. His decision turned out to be a huge success and it was a starting point in a real revolution of the fashion world. The release of the Levi's sneakers was just a matter of time.

The first high waisted jeans were limited to the miners. They were not of a blue colour as known today – they were brown and, as a result, they gained popularity in the Westworld. While improving his design, Löb Strauß simultaneously added more items to his product range. That's how the first Levi's shoes came to life. Now they are available in dozens of different variations, from women’s through kids’ to men’s shoes. One thing is certain – they will surely meet the expectations of even the most demanding customers.

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